
Diabetes prevention: Start small, experts say

(HealthDay)—Diabetes robs people of their lives—their vision, their mobility, even their limbs—if it is not controlled, yet the real tragedy of this modern-day scourge is that its most common form, type 2, is largely ...


Community-based intervention feasible for obese children

(HealthDay)—A community-based scalable weight-management program correlates with significant reductions in overweight status in children, according to a study published online Sept. 17 in Pediatrics.


Considering what Batman would eat helps kids' diets

(Medical Xpress) -- In the ongoing battle to get children to eat healthfully, parents may do well invoking the names of superheroes to come to their rescue, say Cornell researchers.


Pediatricians confront the childhood obesity epidemic

Childhood obesity has become a significant health problem worldwide, but many parents don't know where to begin or how to help their child adopt a healthy lifestyle. At the opening session of the Pediatric Academic Societies ...

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