Child Development

Psychology & Psychiatry

Baby brains help infants figure it out before they try it out

Babies often amaze their parents when they seemingly learn new skills overnight—how to walk, for example. But their brains were probably prepping for those tasks long before their first steps occurred, according to researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Background noise may hinder toddlers' ability to learn words

The environments children are in, including how much and what kinds of stimulation they are exposed to, influence what and how they learn. One important task for children is zeroing in on the information that's relevant to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies can think before they can speak

Two pennies can be considered the same—both are pennies, just as two elephants can be considered the same, as both are elephants. Despite the vast difference between pennies and elephants, we easily notice the common relation ...

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