Psychological Science

Autism spectrum disorders

Adults with autism make more consistent choices

People with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) often show a reduced sensitivity to contextual information in perceptual tasks, but new research suggests that this reduced sensitivity may actually lead to more consistent choices ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What the pupils tells us about language

The meaning of a word is enough to trigger a reaction in our pupil: when we read or hear a word with a meaning associated with luminosity ("sun," "shine," etc.), our pupils contract as they would if they were actually exposed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People who value virtue show wiser reasoning

From romantic dramas to tensions at work, we're often better at working through other people's problems than our own—while we may approach our friends' problems with wise, clear-eyed objectivity, we often view our own problems ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Knowing how' is in your brain

Although we often think of knowledge as "knowing that" (for example, knowing that Paris is the capital of France), each of us also knows many procedures consisting of "knowing how," such as knowing how to tie a knot or start ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The marshmallow test revisited

When kids "pass" the marshmallow test, are they simply better at self-control or is something else going on? A new UC San Diego study revisits the classic psychology experiment and reports that part of what may be at work ...

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