Inderscience Publishers

inderscience Publishers has been in business since 1979. inderscience publishes numerous respected journals in all professional disciplines and a newsletter, blog and news releases. Inderscience Publishers charge for prints of journal articles, but provides some articles on-line or on its blog. New journals in science, electricity, energy, bio-mechanics and related fields are continually being introduced. A RSS feed is available, e-mail alerts and inderscience Publishers has a Twitter account.

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The smart wheelchair

A wheelchair controller that automatically avoids obstacles and knows when the user is tired or stressed is being developed by researchers in India. Details are described in the International Journal of Human Factors Modelling ...


A slick way to test artificial knees and hips

A new study suggests that natural proteins can be used to effectively test new replacement hip and knee joints in the laboratory. The work could help with improving design in order to reduce wear and tear and increase the ...


Predicting potential pharma side effects

A computer program that can predict whether or not a given pharmaceutical will have worrying side effects has been developed by researchers in the USA. Md Jamiul Jahid and Jianhua Ruan of the Department of Computer Science, ...


Aural feedback for oral hygiene

Researchers in Japan have discovered that how effectively we clean our teeth and how satisfied we are with the brushing job we do depends a lot on the sound of the bristles scrubbing against the enamel. In trials with volunteer ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Automated detection of early schizophrenia

The opinion of a qualified professional is unlikely to be replaced by a computer algorithm for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. However, additional medical evidence based on such an algorithm might be useful in early diagnosis, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Risk factors for prostate cancer

New research suggests that age, race and family history are the biggest risk factors for a man to develop prostate cancer, although high blood pressure, high cholesterol, vitamin D deficiency, inflammation of prostate, and ...


Facing up to online health care

When our medical records are all in the cloud and available to be discussed among our health care professionals via online networks for diagnostics, treatment, and training purposes, how will we, as patients, know that our ...

Oncology & Cancer

Microbeam radiation therapy

Both the efficacy and side effects of radiation therapy depend not only on the exposure dose but also on the volume of tissue exposed to that radiation. As a general rule, the smaller the volume, the greater the tolerance. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Social networking analysis helps identify cancer biomarkers

The advent of online social networks has led to the rapid development of tools for understanding the interactions between members of the network, their activity, the connections, the hubs and nodes. But, any relationships ...

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