Science Network WA

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Medical research

Deep sea light shines on drug delivery potential

A naturally occurring bioluminescent protein found in deep sea shrimp—which helps the crustacean spit a glowing cloud at predators—has been touted as a game-changer in terms of monitoring the way drugs interact with live ...

Medical research

Guarding your girl linked to sperm quality in humans

Men who perform "mate guarding" behaviours such as staying close to their wife or girlfriend at a party are likely to have poorer-quality sperm than men who do not, research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sports gambling creeps into kids' consciousness

A national study involving Curtin and Deakin universities has found that three-quarters of Australian children view sports betting as normal, and even positive.

Oncology & Cancer

Waking up dormant tumour suppressor genes

A drug-free cancer treatment could teach our genes to destroy the disease from within, according to Western Australian medical researchers.

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