Medical research

Zebrafish study reveals cause of altered human facial development

Some substances in medicines, household items and the environment are known to affect prenatal child development. In a study published in Toxicological Sciences, researchers tested the effects of five drugs (including caffeine ...


Laser light offers new tool for treating bone cancer

Of the many ways to treat cancer, the oldest, and maybe most tried and true, is surgery. Even with the advent of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and more experimental treatments like bacteria that seek and destroy cancer ...


Another byproduct of aging: Hypermutations in the brain

Genetic mutations in early development have been implicated in several psychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia, symptoms of which typically manifest during childhood and early adulthood. However, mutations ...

Medical research

Severe flu risk as immune cells swap with age

Lung infections with the influenza virus or a coronavirus more frequently result in severe disease progression in older people. This is due to an excessive inflammatory reaction that causes damage to the lung tissue. The ...

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