Psychology & Psychiatry

Aggression in kids is related to how they read others' emotions

It may be surprising to hear that toddlers and preschoolers are the most physically aggressive age demographic. Luckily, they lack coordination and strength, making their attacks less dangerous than those of adults.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The (decreasingly) rough-and-tumble world of childhood

Young children generally get more physically aggressive between the ages of 1½ and 3½, but that usually diminishes as they get older and go to school, a new Université de Montréal study shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you helping your toddler's aggressive behavior?

Physical aggression in toddlers has been thought to be associated with the frustration caused by language problems, but a recent study by researchers at the University of Montreal shows that this isn't the case. The researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic aggressive behavior in boys: Epigenetic sources?

Chronic aggressive behaviour exhibited by some boys from disadvantaged families may be due to epigenetic changes during pregnancy and early childhood. This is highlighted by two studies conducted by a team led by Richard ...

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