
Support group, home exercise improves mobility for PAD patients

Group behavioral therapy that encouraged walking at home significantly improved and prevented mobility loss among patients with clogged arteries in the legs, according to research in the Journal of the American Heart Association.


Heart-lung machines prove safe even in the elderly

One of the scariest parts of bypass surgery—having your heart stopped and going on a heart-lung machine while doctors fix your clogged arteries—is safe even in the elderly and doesn't cause mental decline as many people ...


Early statin use may give long-term heart benefits

Taking a cholesterol-lowering drug for five years in middle age can lower heart and death risks for decades afterward, and the benefits seem to grow over time, a landmark study of men in Scotland finds. Doctors say it's the ...


Is medical therapy a better and safer choice than angioplasty

The decision to perform an invasive procedure to open clogged arteries in the heart instead of first trying medication and lifestyle changes may not reduce a patient's risk of death or of a major cardiac event. Unnecessary ...

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