Psychology & Psychiatry

Mentoring programs -- how effective are they?

Whether it's parents, teachers, coaches, or family friends, there's no question that adults serve as powerful role models for youth as they transition from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. Mentoring programs across ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fake news can lead to false memories

Voters may form false memories after seeing fabricated news stories, especially if those stories align with their political beliefs, according to research in Psychological Science.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you know can affect how you see

Objects—everything from cars, birds and faces to letters of the alphabet—look significantly different to people familiar with them, a new study suggests.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New insights into eye damage in Alzheimer's disease patients

Cedars-Sinai investigators have produced the most extensive analysis to date of changes in the retina—a layer of tissue at the back of the eye where visual information originates—and how those retinal changes correspond ...

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