
Color affects people's behavior differently in virtual reality

Color affects people differently in virtual reality than in the real world, according to a new study. An expert from Heriot-Watt University says the differences could be used by virtual reality designers to make the experience ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New app tests how mood affects cognitive performance

Researchers from UNSW and UCL are hoping that a newly launched app that tracks an individual's moods and emotions could lead to better management of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study looks at brain flow, and how people achieve it

You are playing such an intense video game and are focused so intently on getting to the next level that you don't know what is going on around you. You have no sense of time passing. You feel great. You are "in the zone." ...


Changing activity in the ageing brain

Normal ageing affects our ability to carry out complex cognitive tasks. But exactly how our brain functions change during this process is largely unknown. Now, researchers in Malaysia have demonstrated that ageing changes ...

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