Medical research

Blood pressure hormone promotes obesity

New research by University of Iowa scientists helps explain how a hormone system often targeted to treat cardiovascular disease can also lower metabolism and promote obesity.

Medical research

Why you won't lose weight with exercise alone

Exercise by itself isn't always enough to take off the weight. Now, evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on January 28 helps to explain why that is: our bodies adapt to higher activity levels, so that ...

Medical research

Gut microbes trigger fat loss in response to cold temperatures

Exposure to cold temperatures is known to mimic the effects of exercise, protecting against obesity and improving metabolic health. A study published December 3 in Cell now reveals that the beneficial health effects of cold ...

Medical research

Reducing energy efficiency boosts calorie burning in muscle

What started as an evolutionary protection against starvation has become a biological "bad joke" for people who need to lose weight. The human body doesn't distinguish between dieting and possible starvation, so when there ...

Medical research

New study shows that even your fat cells need sleep

In a study that challenges the long-held notion that the primary function of sleep is to give rest to the brain, researchers have found that not getting enough shut-eye has a harmful impact on fat cells, reducing by 30 percent ...

Overweight & Obesity

Why current strategies for fighting obesity are not working

(Medical Xpress) -- As the United States wages war on the growing epidemic of obesity among children and adults, a team of University of Colorado School of Medicine obesity researchers conclude that what the nation needs ...

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