Autism spectrum disorders

How does social attention develop in autistic children?

As they grow, children increasingly focus their attention on social elements in their environment, such as faces or social interactions. However, children with autism are often more interested in non-social stimuli, such ...


Eye movement science is helping us learn about how we think

For most of human history if you wanted to know what was going on behind someone's eyes you had to make your best guess. But since the 1960s scientists have been studying the way eye movements may help decode people's thoughts. ...

Attention deficit disorders

Using a virtual reality game to objectively detect ADHD

Researchers have used virtual reality games, eye tracking and machine learning to show that differences in eye movements can be used to detect ADHD, potentially providing a tool for more precise diagnosis of attention deficits. ...

Autism spectrum disorders

When mom talks, are infants with ASD listening?

Motherese is a form of simplified, exaggerated melodic speech that parents use to communicate with newborns and young toddlers. A horse becomes horsie; a dog becomes doggie; parents become mama and dada. The tendency to speak ...

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