
Can diabetes be reversed?

Registered dietitian and diabetes educator Charlene Dorcey said it as gently as she could:


Why you still need omega-3 fatty acids

(HealthDay)—After vitamins and minerals, fish oil with its omega-3 fatty acids is the most widely used supplement, taken by an estimated 10% of Americans.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Home remedies: Can fish oil supplements treat depression?

Fish oil supplements may ease depression in some people. Some studies in adults suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may help treat mild to moderate depression, but more research is needed.

Medical research

Fish oil and cancer prevention

Increased dietary intake of fish oil, with its "healthy" omega-3 fatty acids, has been proposed to reduce risk of colorectal cancer. How it works is unclear, but it is thought to modify lipid signaling molecules associated ...


Getting your nutrients: From the source or supplements?

(HealthDay)—Americans are making shifts in the supplements they take—fewer multivitamins and vitamins C and E, more fish oil and vitamin D. Many think of supplements as magic bullets, but studies don't always support ...


Foods to lower your cholesterol count

(HealthDay)—It's not always possible to lower cholesterol through diet alone—sometimes there's no way to override your DNA, and medication becomes a must.


Eating fish may help prevent asthma

A James Cook University scientist says an innovative study has revealed new evidence that eating fish can help prevent asthma.

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