
Just how bad is all that sugar for your heart?

Still nibbling Valentine's Day goodies? Munching packaged cereals, pancakes or muffins for breakfast? Enjoying a lunch of processed meats and bread, sweetened pasta sauce, or even a salad drenched in dressing?


Prenatal, early life fructose intake associated with asthma

(HealthDay)—Maternal prenatal and early childhood intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and fructose is associated with current asthma in midchildhood, regardless of adiposity, according to a study published in the Annals ...


Different sugars, different risks to your liver

If you're one of the two billion people in the world who are over-weight or obese, or the one billion people with fatty liver disease, your doctor's first advice is to cut calories—and especially to cut down on concentrated ...


Do different sugars have different health effects?

Our recent article published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that Australian and European soft drinks contained higher concentrations of glucose, and less fructose, than soft drinks in the United States. The total ...


How rare sugars might help control blood glucose

In an era when the label "natural" hits a sweet spot with consumers, some uncommon sugars emerging on the market could live up to the connotation. Preliminary animal studies have suggested that allulose and other low-calorie, ...

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