
Considerable potential savings with generic medicines

Substituting branded medications with drugs containing the same active ingredients (generics) can save considerable amounts of money. A study at the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) ...


Soaring generic drug prices draw Senate scrutiny

Some low-cost generic drugs that have helped restrain health care costs for decades are seeing unexpected price spikes of up to 8,000 percent, prompting a backlash from patients, pharmacists and now Washington lawmakers.


Six medication myths busted

Can pain relievers really target a specific part of the body? Are generic medicines inferior to their brand-name counterparts? Are natural medicines always safer then prescription drugs? Can you mix alcohol with a prescription ...


Changes in generic pill color and shape disrupt use

Generic versions of the same prescription drug are clinically interchangeable but often look different depending on the manufacturer. The FDA does not require consistent pill appearance among interchangeable generic drugs, ...


Misidentification of medications indicates poor health outcomes

People who identify their blood pressure medications by shape, size and color instead of by name may risk poor blood pressure control and increase their risk of hospitalization, finds a recent study in the Journal of Health ...

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