Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Diagnosis of voice condition from call audio

Assistant Professor Yuya Hosoda of the Center for IT-Based Education (CITE), Toyohashi University of Technology has developed a method for estimating the pitch of vocal cord vibrations of humans from call audio.


New deep-learning approach gets to the bottom of colonoscopy

Researchers have developed a pair of modules that gives a boost to the use of artificial neural networks to identify potentially cancerous growths in colonoscopy imagery, traditionally plagued by image noise resulting from ...


Upping your intake of omega-3s may help protect your hearing

Researchers report that blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were inversely correlated with hearing difficulty in a new population-based cross-sectional study. Middle-aged and older adults with ...


Does living in a loud city hurt your hearing?

Living in a city can be exciting for the cultural institutions, events, and attractions, but all that fun can take a toll on your ears. The sound of city life can be so loud that it damages the hair cells in the inner ear, ...

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