
Quantifying how the brain smells

Scientists haven't quite decoded how animals smell, but researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) found that it's different from previously thought.


Automated detection of sleep states from olfactory brain waves

Scientists have developed a completely automated technique for real-time detection of sleep/wake states in freely moving mice. Conducted by Karim Benchenane, Sophie Bagur and colleagues at the National Centre for Scientific ...


How clutch molecules enable neuron migration

The brain can discriminate over 1 trillion odors. Once entering the nose, odor-related molecules activate olfactory neurons. Neuron signals first accumulate at the olfactory bulb before being passed on to activate the appropriate ...


Gene therapy restores sense of smell in mice

Re-expressing a protein critical for the detection and perception of odors restores function of the olfactory system in a genetic mouse model of lost hair-like cellular structures known as cilia, according to research published ...


Study tracks what moths think when they smell with their antennae

Think of an animal tracking a scent, and you may picture a bloodhound with its nose to the ground. But a moth fluttering through the air is likely smelling for clues, too. Pollinating insects like the hawkmoth track scents ...

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