
Sensory perception is not a one-way street

When we interact with the world, such as when we reach out to touch an object, the brain actively changes incoming sensory signals based on anticipation. This so-called 'sensory gating' has now been investigated by neuroscientists ...


Why are sight and sound out of sync?

The way we process sight and sound are curiously out of sync by different amounts for different people and tasks, according to a new study from City, University of London.


How the brain constructs the world

How are raw sensory signals transformed into a brain representation of the world that surrounds us? The question was first posed over 100 years ago, but new experimental strategies make the challenge more exciting than ever. ...


Why head and face pain causes more suffering

Hate headaches? The distress you feel is not all in your—well, head. People consistently rate pain of the head, face, eyeballs, ears and teeth as more disruptive, and more emotionally draining, than pain elsewhere in the ...


Neuroscientists identify source of early brain activity

Some expectant parents play classical music for their unborn babies, hoping to boost their children's cognitive capacity later in life. While some research supported a link between prenatal sound exposure and improved brain ...

Medical research

New research identifies key mechanism behind some deafness

Although the basic outlines of human hearing have been known for years - sensory cells in the inner ear turn sound waves into the electrical signals that the brain understands as sound - the molecular details have remained ...

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