Psychology & Psychiatry

Fewer romantic prospects may lead to riskier investments

Encountering information suggesting that it may be tough to find a romantic partner shifts people's decision making toward riskier options, according to new findings from a series of studies published in Psychological Science, ...

Medical research

Female embryos less likely to survive to birth

New research has challenged the prevailing belief that the higher proportion of male babies born in the general population results from a higher proportion of males being conceived. 


SHSU professor investigates trends for elderly and crime

While the elderly represent the fastest growing segment of the population, too little is known about the nature and scope of crime impacting this generation. Victoria Titterington of Sam Houston State University is trying ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Late-life depression may be linked to gender expression

Over time, depression has decreased among older women. But it is still nearly twice as frequent as among older men. This difference between men and women appears to be connected with both biological sex and gender expression, ...


India has 21 million 'unwanted' girls

The desire of Indian parents for sons has created an estimated 21 million "unwanted" girls because couples keep having children until they produce a boy, the government said Monday.

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