Biomedical technology

Mapping complex variability onto intricate virtual models

Anybody who has ever seen a picture of a brain knows that it's not a simple smooth oval; it's more like a tangle of fat worms. But when researchers seek to predict and understand its physical and electrical behavior, they ...

Oncology & Cancer

New study uses artificial intelligence to detect colorectal cancer

A Tulane University researcher has found that artificial intelligence can accurately detect and diagnose colorectal cancer from tissue scans as well or better than pathologists, according to a new study in the journal Nature ...


Why you might not be the body shape you think

Hourglass, bottom hourglass, top hourglass, spoon, rectangle, diamond, oval, triangle, and inverted triangle… there are nine official female body shape classifications.

Oncology & Cancer

Combining BMI with body shape better predictor of cancer risk

New research being presented at The European Congress on Obesity (ECO) held online this year, suggests that a measure of body shape should be used alongside body mass index (BMI) to help determine the risk of obesity-related ...

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