Psychology & Psychiatry

New research reveals the secret to making a good first impression

How long do you have to make a good first impression? About half a second, new research has revealed. Scientists have discovered that humans make judgements on someone's trustworthiness within the first 500 milliseconds of ...


Why, sometimes, we don't see what we actually saw

Georgetown University neuroscientists say they have identified how people can have a "crash in visual processing"—a bottleneck of feedforward and feedback signals that can cause us not to be consciously aware of stimuli ...


Is interval training the fountain of youth?

(HealthDay)—High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise technique done by alternating short bursts of all-out effort in an aerobic activity with periods done at a very slow pace.


Five ways to move more at work and make it count

With the recent news that even small bouts of exercise lead to significant health benefits, the American Heart Association, the leading voluntary health organization devoted to a world of longer, healthier lives, is urging ...

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