
ZIP code or genetic code?

When it comes to disease and health, which is more powerful—zip code or genetic code?


Owning a dog is influenced by genetic make-up

A team of Swedish and British scientists have studied the heritability of dog ownership using information from 35,035 twin pairs from the Swedish Twin Registry. The new study suggests that genetic variation explains more ...


Parental 'feeding styles' reflect children's genes

New research from King's College London and UCL challenges the idea that a child's weight largely reflects the way their parents feed them. Instead, parents appear to adopt feeding styles in response to their children's natural ...


Don't blame your genes for your toothache, twin study shows

For the first time, investigators have looked at the role that genes and the oral microbiome play in the formation of cavities and have found that your mother was right: The condition of your teeth depends on your dietary ...


Epigenetics drives weight differences between identical twins

Having overweight parents significantly increases your risk of obesity, but the inheritance of specific mutations can't always explain why this is the case. In a study published January 28 in Cell, researchers show that differences ...


Some like it sweet, others not so much: It's partly in the genes

A new study from the Monell Center and collaborating institutions suggests that a single set of genes affects a person's perception of sweet taste, regardless of whether the sweetener is a natural sugar or a non-caloric sugar ...

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