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Addiction news


Cognitive deficits from meth and PCP use are generated by a common neurotransmitter switch, neurobiologists show

The effects of sustained drug abuse can manifest in many ways. Loss of memory and reduced cognitive functions are some of the effects that can persist for years. Neurobiologists at the University of California San Diego have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Maternal cannabis use linked to genetic changes in babies

Novel research suggests cannabis use during pregnancy is directly linked to negative impacts on babies' brain development.


Study shows steep rise in GHB-related deaths since 2016

Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related deaths in Australia have risen sharply in the last decade with use of the "party drug" extending beyond the clubbing scene to a broader population, according to new research from the National ...


2.6 million die annually due to alcohol: WHO

Alcohol kills nearly three million people annually, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday, adding that while the death rate had dropped slightly in recent years it remained "unacceptably high".


European countries differ in their drinking styles, study finds

A new study of drinking patterns across Europe from 2000 to 2019 shows that drinking occurs in stable, beverage-specific clusters that seem to be partly determined by geography. The study was published today by the scientific ...


A new threat to cannabis users: Smuggled Chinese pesticides

In coordinated raids last September, multiple California agencies stormed a network of illegal cannabis-growing warehouses across Oakland while state cannabis regulators singled out a salmon-colored warehouse complex surrounded ...


Q&A: Researcher discusses a prescription for quitting nicotine

Researcher Tanja Tomson and her colleagues have developed a support tool for health care professionals whose patients want to quit nicotine. Tomson is an associate professor of Public Health who conducts research on tobacco ...


Risky drinking even riskier for women

A concerning number of Australian women are drinking at dangerous levels despite knowing that it is likely to be causing them harm, warn Flinders University researchers.

Medical research

Gut bacteria might discourage binge drinking

Binge drinking significantly increases the risk of alcohol addiction. In a study published in Microbiome on June 17, a team led by University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers reports that valeric acid, a substance ...