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Addiction news


Naloxone successful in over half of uses in reversing signs of opioid overdose in the prehospital setting

The opioid epidemic is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States, and it is increasingly impacting children and teenagers. Naloxone can reverse the effects of opioid overdose and is being used in hospitals ...


Study finds opioid poisoning in children increasing alongside adult misuse

The impacts of the ongoing opioid crisis are trickling down to young children, according to research presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition at the Orange County Convention ...


Study shows steep rise in GHB-related deaths since 2016

Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related deaths in Australia have risen sharply in the last decade with use of the "party drug" extending beyond the clubbing scene to a broader population, according to new research from the National ...


US proposes reclassifying marijuana as low-risk drug

US President Joe Biden's administration formally proposed on Thursday reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug, a historic shift that would bring federal policy more in line with public opinion.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows how excessive drinking affects others

A new study published in Addiction shows that around a fifth of adult Australians, from across regional and metropolitan Australia, reported harm from the excessive drinking of people they know.