Archive: 02/04/2018
Uncovering a mechanism causing chronic graft-vs-host disease after bone marrow transplant
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT) is an essential treatment to cure patients with blood cancers such as leukemia. In patients who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation, a small number of cancer cells can remain ...
Apr 2, 2018
Medicare program linked with reduced black-white disparities in hospital readmissions
A Medicare program that penalizes hospitals for high readmission rates was associated with a narrowing of readmission disparities between black and white patients and between minority-serving hospitals and other hospitals ...
Apr 2, 2018
New study uncovers major differences in billing complexity among US health insurers
One frequently proclaimed advantage of single-payer health care is its potential to reduce administrative costs, but new Vancouver School of Economics research calls that assumption into question.
Apr 2, 2018
Proper data analysis might be among Hurricane Maria's casualties
The ability to use statistics to guide decision-making may be collateral damage of Hurricane Maria's devastating blow to Puerto Rico, according to a Penn State demographer.
Apr 2, 2018
Maryland's hospital payment reform fails to deliver
An experiment in Maryland designed to save health care dollars by shifting services away from expensive hospital-based care and toward less costly primary, preventive and outpatient services has yielded disappointing results.
Apr 2, 2018