Archive: 20/05/2016
Research Center looks at video game as tool for food allergy compliance
Elizabeth McQuaid, Ph.D., a staff psychologist from the Bradley Hasbro Children's Research Center, is leading the Phase II trial of an interactive software game developed to help children with food allergies better manage ...
May 20, 2016
Web-based tool will provide individualized care plan for osteoarthritis patients
Researchers at UMass Medical School are developing a web-based, decision-support tool for osteoarthritis patients that will provide individualized, evidence-based information in real time to guide optimal knee and hip care, ...
May 20, 2016
A spherical brain mapping of MR images for the detection of Alzheimer's disease
Diagnosis, treatment and care of dementia is one of the major concerns in neurology research and associated healthcare programs. Dementia affects older age groups with a greater frequency, and as our population ages, the ...
May 20, 2016
ESC Guidelines on acute and chronic heart failure launched today
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure are published today in European Heart Journal and the European Journal of Heart Failure, and presented at ...
May 20, 2016
First Zika virus death in France's Martinique: authorities (Update)
The French Caribbean island of Martinique has suffered its first Zika virus-related death, the regional health agency said Friday.
May 20, 2016