Archive: 21/02/2015
In university basement, bats and owls offer clues into brain function
What can we learn about attention by studying bats and owls? In one corner of the basement of Ames Hall at the Johns Hopkins University, Cynthia Moss opened the door of a room where about a dozen Egyptian fruit bats dozed ...
Feb 21, 2015
FDA knew of design flaw in scope linked to UCLA superbug
A commonly used medical scope linked to a deadly bacterial outbreak at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center may be so flawed it cannot be properly cleaned, federal officials conceded Thursday. But they stopped short of recalling ...
Feb 21, 2015
Liberia: Eight hospital staff under observation in Ebola scare
Eight health workers at a hospital in Liberia's capital have been sent home for observation after coming into contact with a patient who later tested positive for Ebola, the country's assistant health minister said Saturday.
Feb 21, 2015