Archive: 23/07/2014

Three-people IVF debate process on the move in UK

Takes two to make a child, correct? No. maybe. The use of sperm and eggs from three people to create babies moved a step closer in the UK, with Tuesday's events. What kind of egg-sperm distribution are we talking about? The ...

Preemptive celecoxib cuts post-op face-lift surgery pain

(HealthDay)—Preemptive treatment with oral celecoxib appears to be effective in decreasing acute postoperative pain in patients undergoing face-lift surgery, according to a study published online July 10 in JAMA Facial ...

Government drafting birth control accommodation

(AP)—The Obama administration is developing a new way for religious nonprofits that object to paying for contraceptives in their health plans to opt out, without submitting a form they say violates their religious beliefs.

Controlling childbirth pain tied to lower depression risk

Controlling pain during childbirth and post delivery may reduce the risk of postpartum depression, writes Katherine Wisner, M.D., a Northwestern Medicine® perinatal psychiatrist, in a July 23 editorial in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

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