Archive: 25/12/2013
Study reveals new genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes
An international team of researchers in Mexico and the United States has uncovered a new genetic clue that contributes to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly the elevated risk among Mexican and other ...
Dec 25, 2013
Systematic, genomic study of cervical cancer points to potential therapeutics, sheds light on HPV role
Researchers from the Boston area, Mexico, and Norway have completed a comprehensive genomic analysis of cervical cancer in two patient populations. The study identified recurrent genetic mutations not previously found in ...
Dec 25, 2013
Help offered for people who miss Obamacare deadline
The US government Tuesday offered help for people who were unable to sign up for health insurance through the federal website by the deadline as part of the president's controversial health care reform legislation.
Dec 25, 2013
Vaccine fears in China after hepatitis B scare
Chinese state-run media and Internet users demanded action Wednesday after the deaths of at least seven babies since November following their vaccinations against hepatitis B.
Dec 25, 2013