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Attention deficit disorders news

Autism spectrum disorders

Research suggests obesity in moms doubles the risk of autism in babies

Children born to mothers with obesity both before and during pregnancy have an increased risk of neuropsychiatric and behavioral conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ...


Google trends reveals surge in ADHD medication searches during COVID-19 pandemic

In a study published in Brain Medicine, UCI researchers have uncovered a striking correlation between internet searches for ADHD medications and actual prescription rates during the COVID-19 pandemic. This finding opens up ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study highlights best meditation postures for individuals with ADHD

ADHD is a developmental condition of the brain with symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. People with ADHD may struggle with self-control as well as experience anxiety, depression, academic failure, ...

Attention deficit disorders

Study links melatonin secretion to ADHD symptoms in children

A study conducted by researchers from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, in collaboration with several international institutions, has unveiled a critical link between melatonin secretion and the severity of ADHD (attention ...


ADHD and DNA: International study sheds light on genetics

Rare genetic changes that are spontaneous—and not inherited from parents—may contribute to the underpinnings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study from Yale School of Medicine.

Attention deficit disorders

FDA approves marketing of first device to treat ADHD

(HealthDay)—Marketing has been approved for the first medical device to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Friday.

Attention deficit disorders

Trigeminal nerve stimulation beats sham tx for peds ADHD

(HealthDay)—Trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) showed efficacy when compared with a similar sham procedure for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, according to a double-blind, controlled ...

Attention deficit disorders

More sleep may help teens with ADHD focus and organize

Teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may benefit from more sleep to help them focus, plan and control their emotions. The findings—the first of their kind in young people with ADHD—will be presented ...

Attention deficit disorders

Dasotraline promising for the treatment of ADHD in children

(HealthDay)—Treatment with dasotraline (4 mg/day) significantly improves attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children aged 6 to 12 years, according to a study published online March 7 in the Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A gene involved in ADHD could be related to addictive substance use

Some variations in the gene LPHN3, associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults, could favour the likelihood to smoke, consume alcohol, cannabis and other addictive substances, according ...

Attention deficit disorders

ADHD diagnoses poorly documented

Many ADHD diagnoses are not well documented, according to a review of the medicals records of 549 children with an ADHD diagnosis.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Genetic risk for ADHD manifests in brain structure in childhood

There is only scant scientific evidence available on whether the genetic risk for developing specific psychiatric disorders or cognitive traits is manifest in brain structure from childhood, and to date, studies have focused ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Prenatal valproate exposure linked to increased ADHD risk

(HealthDay)—Use of the antiepileptic drug (AED) valproate during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among offspring, according to a study published online ...