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Oncology & Cancer news

Oncology & Cancer

Radiopharmaceutical therapy offers promise for people with tough-to-treat meningioma brain tumors

A radiopharmaceutical therapy that has successfully extended progression-free survival for patients with neuroendocrine tumors shows early promise for delivering similar benefits to patients with difficult-to-treat meningioma, ...

Oncology & Cancer

What is CAR-T cell therapy? Oncologist explains

Roughly 635,000 new cases of lymphoma were diagnosed worldwide, according to the World Cancer Research Fund International's most recent report. Survival rates for aggressive lymphomas have improved significantly thanks to ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic mutations in HRAS, KRAS genes linked to childhood cancers

Hereditary changes in genes are often the cause of rare diseases. For example, disease-causing gene variants (PVs) in the HRAS gene cause Costello syndrome and PVs in the KRAS gene cause Noonan syndrome and cardio-facio-cutaneous ...

Oncology & Cancer

Treatment-free remission for chronic myeloid leukemia

Leukemias are cancers of the blood cells. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is an uncommon type of cancer of the bone marrow, which produces blood cells. "Myelogenous" refers to the type of blood cells this leukemia affects. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Saving time with AI-generated treatment plans for breast cancer

Drawing in the organs of individual breast cancer patients and then creating precise radiation plans appears to be faster by using artificial intelligence (AI) models. That way, it remains just as reliable and accurate. It ...

Oncology & Cancer

AI could predict breast cancer risk via 'zombie cells'

Women worldwide could see better treatment with new AI technology, which enables better detection of damaged cells and more precisely predicts the risk of getting breast cancer, shows new research from the University of Copenhagen.

Medical research

Promising drug combo targets aggressive bladder cancers

A new study in mice by researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) has identified a promising drug combination for the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Rosiglitazone plus trametinib worked ...

Oncology & Cancer

Combo therapy boosts survival for advanced colon cancer

People battling advanced colon cancers might have a new treatment option that could extend their survival, a new trial finds. The findings were present the at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology ...

Medical research

Study points to new combination strategy for pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most common form of pancreatic cancer and is projected to become the second-leading cause of cancer-related death by 2030. Although progress has been made in improving outcomes, ...

Medical research

Possible association between tattoos and lymphoma revealed

Our knowledge regarding the long-term health effects of tattoos is currently poor, and there is not a lot of research within this area. Now a research group at Lund University has investigated the association between tattoos ...

Oncology & Cancer

Harnessing the power of viruses to kill cancers

In the global hunt for both a cure and cancer treatments, researchers are finding it may be the very viruses we try to shield ourselves against that hold great promise in fighting the deadly disease.

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarker predicts success of immunotherapy in kidney cancer

Immunotherapy increases survival rates in kidney cancer, but does not work for everyone. A Leuven research team has developed a new method to predict which patients will benefit from it. The team of Francesca Finotello (Computational ...