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Cardiology news


New intervention to protect lungs during cardiac surgery, feasible, safe, and effective, study finds

A new intervention which keeps lungs regularly expanding when using a heart-lung machine during heart valve surgery might protect lung function and exercise capacity in adult patients after the operation, a University of ...


Black infants with heart abnormalities more likely to die in first year, research finds

Some babies are born with abnormalities involving the structure of the heart, known as congenital heart disease (CHD). While many studies have shown that more babies with congenital heart disease are surviving past their ...


Engineering human heart tissue for scientific study

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a new way to measure heart contraction and electrical activity in engineered human heart tissues, according to findings published in Science Advances.


Examining advances in endovascular therapy for stroke patients

Stroke related to large vessel occlusion (LVO) is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. Endovascular therapy (minimally invasive procedures like catheterization done inside the blood vessels) has transformed ...


Deadly high blood pressure during pregnancy is on the rise

Today, more pregnant people are being diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure, a finding that could save their lives. Recent studies show the rates of newly developed and chronic maternal high blood pressure have roughly ...


Human and other primate hearts differ genetically, says study

A team at the Hübner and Diecke Labs at the Max Delbrück Center has shown how human and non-human primate hearts differ genetically. The study, published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, reveals evolutionary adaptations ...


Systemic immune-inflammation index tied to mortality in CKD

There is a J-shaped association between systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) levels and all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to a study published online Sept. 10 in Immunity, Inflammation ...


Wearable tech captures real-time hemodynamics on the go

Researchers have developed a photoacoustic imaging watch for high-resolution imaging of blood vessels in the skin. The wearable device could offer a non-invasive way to monitor hemodynamic indicators such as heart rate, blood ...


Diet and heart disease in the Black community

Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans than any other condition. However, African Americans are at a greater risk for heart disease and stroke than any other racial group, according to the American Heart Association.

Medical research

New therapeutic approaches for hypertension using TRPV2 proteins

Researchers at the UAB have carried out two revealing studies on TRPV2, a key ion channel in several cellular functions, which points to it being a possible new therapeutic target in the treatment of hypertension. They have ...

Medical research

Broccoli-derived compound could help prevent and treat stroke

A three-year world-first study by Australia's Heart Research Institute (HRI) has found that a common cruciferous vegetable eaten by millions of Australians every day could prevent and treat one of the nation's biggest killers.


Sweetened drinks linked to atrial fibrillation risk

Adults who reported drinking two liters (about 67 ounces) or more of sugar- or artificially sweetened drinks per week had a higher risk of an irregular heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation than adults who drank fewer ...