Oncology & Cancer

Artificial gene defect reveals target to fight genetic disease

Fanconi anemia (FA) is caused by defective genes for DNA-repair leading to bone marrow failure, developmental abnormalities and increased cancer risk. Using genome-wide genetic approaches, researchers at CeMM systematically ...

Medical research

Scientists test potential new way to treat anemia

Treatment of anemia caused by chronic kidney disease or other diseases often requires repeated—and costly—injections or infusions of an artificial form of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates production ...

Medical research

Healthy red blood cells owe their shape to muscle-like structures

Red blood cells are on a wild ride. As they race through the body to deliver oxygen, they must maintain a distinct dimpled shape—and bounce back into form even after squishing through narrow capillaries. Red blood cells ...

Medical research

Breakthrough in understanding of how red blood cells develop

By taking a deep dive into the molecular underpinnings of Diamond-Blackfan anemia, scientists have made a new discovery about what drives the development of mature red blood cells from the earliest form of blood cells, called ...

Medical research

Anemia discovery offers new targets to treat fatigue in millions

A new discovery from the University of Virginia School of Medicine has revealed an unknown clockwork mechanism within the body that controls the creation of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. The finding sheds light on iron-restricted ...

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