Oncology & Cancer

Review explores therapeutic targets in tumor microenvironment

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is the ecosystem surrounding a tumor, which usually consists of non-tumoral cells and molecules they produce and release. The interplay between tumor cells and the TME significantly impacts ...

Oncology & Cancer

Deciphering the male breast cancer genome

Male breast cancer has distinct alterations in the tumor genome that may suggest potential treatment targets, according to a study by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators. They have conducted the first whole genome sequencing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Sensory nerves appear to drive head and neck cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus studying interactions between nerves and tumor microenvironments have found that commonly used drugs like botox may stop or slow the progression of certain ...

Oncology & Cancer

How early-stage cancer cells hide from the immune system

One of the immune system's primary roles is to detect and kill cells that have acquired cancerous mutations. However, some early-stage cancer cells manage to evade this surveillance and develop into more advanced tumors.

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