Psychology & Psychiatry

Cortisol excess hits natural DNA process and mental health hard

High concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol affect important DNA processes and increase the risk of long-term psychological consequences. These relationships are evident in a study from the Sahlgrenska Academy on patients ...


Anakinra ineffective for reducing symptoms of chronic fatigue

(HealthDay)—The anti-inflammatory biologic drug anakinra (Kineret) does not reduce fatigue severity in women with chronic fatigue syndrome, according to a study published online March 7 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How gut microbiome and diet can affect depression

An international group of researchers headed by André Carvalho has published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics a paper that provides new data and prospects for the links between the intestinal flora and several disorders, ...


Testing online treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)

Over 700 children and young people are to take part in the largest clinical trial ever undertaken in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which affects up to two per cent of young people, most of whom do not have access to treatment.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic fatigue patients more likely to suppress emotions

Chronic fatigue syndrome patients report they are more anxious and distressed than people who don't have the condition, and they are also more likely to suppress those emotions. In addition, when under stress, they show greater ...

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