Medical research

A window into the hidden world of colons

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a system that allows for real-time observations of individual cells in the colon of a living mouse.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer patients with obesity show poorer psychosocial health

(HealthDay)—Patients with breast or prostate cancer who are obese score higher in psychosocial problem-related distress than nonobese patients, according to a study recently published in Psycho-Oncology.

Oncology & Cancer

Gut microbiota imbalance promotes the onset of colorectal cancer

The gastroenterology team at Henri-Mondor AP-HP Hospital and University Paris-Est Créteil, led by Professor Iradj Sobhani, together with teams from Inserm and the Institut Pasteur Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit (U1202), ...

Oncology & Cancer

Obesity and psychosocial well-being among patients with cancer

In a study published in Psycho-Oncology, excess weight was linked with poorer psychosocial health among older adults diagnosed with breast cancer or prostate cancer. The association was not seen in older patients with colon ...

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