Autism spectrum disorders

Autism, development delay often missed in Hispanics

(Medical Xpress)—Hispanic children often have undiagnosed developmental delays and large numbers of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic children who first were thought to have developmental delay actually had autism, researchers ...


Vitamin B12 deficiency: Tracking the genetic causes

Vitamin B12 is essential to human health. However, some people have inherited conditions that leave them unable to process vitamin B12. As a result they are prone to serious health problems, including developmental delay, ...


US finds lead poisoning from Ayurvedic medicines

US health researchers said Thursday that they have documented lead poisoning risks among pregnant women who took Ayurvedic medicine and issued a new warning on the safety of traditional pills.

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers report success in treating autism spectrum disorder

Using a mouse model of autism, researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center have successfully treated an autism spectrum disorder characterized by severe cognitive impairment.


Mental health problems twice as prevalent in deaf people

A Review in this week's Lancet says that mental health problems are about twice as prevalent in deaf people compared with the general population, and also reports disparities in access to and quality of mental health care ...

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