Psychology & Psychiatry

Ugly in the brain of the beholder

When people think of mental illness related to body image, the first thing that usually comes to mind is anorexia or associated eating disorders. But, the lesser known body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is five times more prevalent ...


Two in three 13-year-old girls afraid of gaining weight

Six in ten 13-year-old girls, compared to four in 10 boys the same age, are afraid of gaining weight or getting fat according to new research on eating disorders from the UCL Institute of Child Health (UK) in collaboration ...


Sensory technology provides daily dietary guidance

An innovative new way of providing personal behavioural guidance to children and young adults could play a crucial role in tackling the ongoing obesity epidemic. The EU SPLENDID project, which is being coordinated by the ...


Eating disorders more common in males than realized

Parents and doctors assume eating disorders very rarely affect males. However, a study of 5,527 teenage males from across the U.S., published Nov.4 in JAMA Pediatrics, challenges this belief. Boston Children's Hospital researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

School body image lessons improve teen body esteem

(Medical Xpress)—Training teachers to deliver body image lessons to teenagers in schools could help improve body esteem and reduce the risk of eating disorders, according to new research by King's College London's Institute ...

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