
Glaucoma can affect babies, too

(HealthDay)—When Olivia Goree noticed something just "wasn't right" about her 6-week-old son's eyes, she trusted her instincts and took him to the doctor. What she never expected was the diagnosis: glaucoma.


Researcher taking the pressure off glaucoma diagnosis

(Medical Xpress)—Glaucoma represents the second-leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world's aging population, with 400,000 Canadians and 67 million people worldwide suffering from the condition.


New nanomedicine to bring relief to glaucoma patients

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) have jointly developed a new nanomedicine that will allow glaucoma patients to do away with daily eye drops.


New technique analyses blood flow in glaucoma patients

The link between blood flow in the retina and the development of glaucoma can now be measured accurately for the first time. This was made possible by the further development of an established measurement method, optical ...


Glaucoma risk may be lower with higher folate intake

(HealthDay)—The risk of exfoliation glaucoma (EG)/secondary glaucoma (SEG) may be lowered with higher total folate intake, according to a study published in the May issue of JAMA Ophthalmology.


Training can improve visual field losses from glaucoma

(HealthDay)—Visual field loss from glaucoma is in part reversible by behavioral, computer-based, online controlled vision training, according to a study published in the April issue of JAMA Ophthalmology.


New eye layer has possible link to glaucoma

A new layer in the human cornea—discovered by researchers at The University of Nottingham last year—plays a vital role in the structure of the tissue that controls the flow of fluid from the eye, research has shown.

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