Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Loss of multiple senses increases dementia risk

Two studies presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2019 have explored whether losing multiple senses, including hearing and sight, increases the risk of dementia.


How noise and age affect brain's sound processing

Hearing loss is so common in today's society, especially in older individuals, that many people question the use of doing anything to protect their hearing from noise and loud sounds. But it turns out the source of hearing ...


Don't let fireworks deafen you

(HealthDay)—Fireworks are a beautiful sight to behold, but they can damage your hearing if you're not careful.


Mice reveal 38 new genes involved in hearing loss

Multiple new genes involved in hearing loss have been revealed in a large study of mouse mutants by researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and King's College London, and colleagues. The new genes identified reveal ...


Study: Protein key to charcot-marie-tooth, other nerve diseases

A new study provides critical insight into a little-known, yet relatively common, inherited neurological condition called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The findings point to a pathway to possible treatments for this disease ...

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