
Is tinnitus causing that ringing in your ear?

Have you ever experienced a constant ringing in your ears that you can't pinpoint the cause? It might be tinnitus ('tin-ni-tus) - the sensation of hearing a sound when no external sound is present. In most cases, tinnitus ...


Performing artists must protect their bodies like athletes

Whether amateur or professional, performing artists have unique health needs specific to their art form. Musicians, singers, dancers, actors and other performers should always consider their own physical limitations and the ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Exploring the connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline

Hearing loss affects tens of millions of Americans and its global prevalence is expected to grow as the world's population ages. A new study led by investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital adds to a growing body of evidence ...


To head off late-life depression, check your hearing

A new study found that elderly individuals with age-related hearing loss had more symptoms of depression; the greater the hearing loss, the greater the risk of having depressive symptoms. The findings suggest that treatment ...


Hearing loss is a risk factor for premature death

A new study links hearing loss with an increased risk for mortality before the age of 75 due to cardiovascular disease. Researchers at the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center at Columbia University Mailman School of Public ...

Medical research

How researchers assess whether medications work

Ear infections, or "otitis media," can cause of a lot of pain and discomfort in youngsters. In some children, persistent infections result in hearing loss.

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