Obstetrics & gynaecology

Important cause of preeclampsia discovered

Despite being the subject of increasing interest for a whole century, how preeclampsia develops has been unclear—until now.

Medical research

Inflamed environment is Clostridioides difficile paradise

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that the inflammation caused by Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infection gives the pathogen a two-fold advantage: by both creating an inhospitable environment for ...


New insights into the control of inflammation

Scientists at The Wistar Institute discovered that Early Growth Response 1 (EGR1), a protein that turns on and off specific genes during blood cell development, inhibits expression of pro-inflammatory genes in macrophages. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic inflammation of obesity

Dec. 30, 2020—When fat cells in the body are stuffed with excess fat, the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed. That chronic, low-level inflammation is one of the driving factors behind many of the diseases associated with ...

Inflammatory disorders

The two sides of inflammation—the cure and the curse

One of the many wonders—and mysteries—of human biology is the complex response of the innate immune system, which is known for its swiftness in annihilating invading pathogens and capacity to mount an explosive inflammatory ...

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