
Retraining the brain for better vision

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from a vision condition called amblyopia, or lazy eye, with imbalanced vision in their two eyes. Unless this disabling condition is caught and treated at a young age, it's rare ...


Pioneering trial offers hope for late treatment of 'lazy eye'

In children with amblyopia or "lazy eye," one eye is weaker than the other for any of a number of reasons. It may not focus as well, it may be misaligned due to strabismus, or its vision may be obstructed by a cataract or ...


New app helps children with 'lazy eye' visual impairment

Eye specialists, mathematicians and games designers at the University of Southampton have teamed up to develop and launch a smartphone app aimed at helping improve vital treatment for children with amblyopia, a common visual ...

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Lazy eye may refer to:

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