
Hypnosis extends restorative slow-wave sleep

Sleeping well is a crucial factor contributing to our physical and mental restoration. SWS in particular has a positive impact for instance on memory and the functioning of the immune system. During periods of SWS, growth ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Chronic sleep disturbance could trigger onset of Alzheimer's

People who experience chronic sleep disturbance—either through their work, insomnia or other reasons—could face an earlier onset of dementia and Alzheimer's, according to a new pre-clinical study by researchers at Temple ...


School work a worry for sleepless teens

(Medical Xpress)—As Year 12 begins for thousands of South Australian students, a new Flinders University study shows teens who can't fall asleep at night are mainly worrying about the fallout of sleeping in and missing ...

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep, fatigue linked to clinical-decision regret in nurses

(HealthDay)—Among critical care nurses, clinical-decision regret is associated with sleep disturbances and the resulting fatigue, according to a study published in the January issue of the American Journal of Critical Care.

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