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HIV & AIDS news


'Undetectable' HIV patients could hold key to treatments

A rare group of HIV-positive people who maintain undetectable levels of the virus in their blood without medication could hold the key to new therapies for others living with the disease, says a leading genome expert.


Most at-risk populations for HIV discussing the topic in negative, risky ways get the most social media attention

As the old saying goes, bad news travels fast. Research shows that saying holds true when it comes to young men discussing HIV on social media. An analysis of viral tweets from young men and adolescents, the most at-risk ...


S.Africa's HIV research power couple says fight goes on

Through decades of pioneering work on fighting the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV, South African public health power couple Quarraisha and Salim Abdool Karim are credited with saving thousands of lives.


How HIV/AIDS got its name

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first used the term "AIDS" on Sept. 24, 1982, more than a year after the first cases appeared in medical records. Those early years of the crisis were marked by a great deal ...


Childhood HIV vaccination strategy shows promise in study

Research at Weill Cornell Medicine suggests that childhood immunization against HIV could one day provide protection before the risk of contracting this potentially fatal infection dramatically increases in adolescence.


Ugandan women's autonomy key to safer sex, researchers say

Ugandan women's ability to negotiate the conditions and timing of sex, such as refusing sex and asking for condom use with their partners, is key to preventing several reproductive health outcomes, say experts from the Brown ...


Study examines novel drug candidate for treatment of neuroHIV

A recently published article in Experimental Biology and Medicine titled "LM11A-31, a modulator of p75 neurotrophin receptor, suppresses HIV-1 replication and inflammatory response in macrophages" highlights the potential ...


Novel brain map tracks early brain atrophy from HIV infection

A new map of brain tissue in people with HIV shows atrophy in several areas including a primary neurocognitive control center where shrinkage and loss of function can be seen in scans before clinical symptoms appear.


CDC: New HIV transmission often from those unaware of infection

(HealthDay)—Most new HIV transmissions are from people who do not know they have HIV infection or are aware of infection but are not receiving care, according to research published in the March 18 early-release issue of ...


One-month regimen noninferior for preventing HIV-related TB

(HealthDay)—For HIV-infected patients, a one-month regimen of rifapentine and isoniazid is noninferior to nine months of isoniazid alone for preventing tuberculosis, according to a study published in the March 14 issue ...


'Highly significant' results of HIV transmission study released

Positive results from a University of Liverpool led research project that aims to reduce mother to child transmission of HIV have been presented at the Annual international Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections ...


Pillar of HIV prevention (PrEP)—how to implement

A pillar of the federal government's plans to fight the HIV epidemic is PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis. For someone who is HIV-negative but at risk of becoming infected, this means taking anti-retroviral drugs before possible ...


Hurricane Maria had a significant impact on HIV care outcomes

Hurricane Maria in San Juan, Puerto Rico had a significant impact on HIV outcomes among people living with HIV and a history of substance use, particularly increased viral load and decreased CD4 counts, according to early ...


A cure for HIV? Feasible but not yet realized

This week a team of scientists and physicians from the U.K. published news of a second HIV positive man, in London, who is in long-term (18-month) HIV remission after undergoing treatment for Hodgkins lymphoma. The unexpected ...


Second HIV remission patient rekindles cure hope

For just the second time ever an HIV patient is in sustained remission from the virus in what was hailed by experts Tuesday as proof that the AIDS-causing condition could one day be curable.


AIDS in key dates

AIDS emerged as a mysterious disease in the 1980s to spread across the world and claim millions of lives. For only the second time a patient has now been found in long-term remission—and most likely cured—from HIV, the ...