BMC Biology

BMC Biology is an online open access scientific journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed research in all fields of biology, together with opinion and comment articles. The journal is part of a series of BMC journals published by the UK-based publisher BioMed Central. It is considered the flagship biology journal within the BMC series, and since 2010 has incorporated what was previously the separate Journal of Biology, which had been the premier BioMed Central journal. It published 88 research articles in 2009.

BioMed Central
United Kingdom UK
Impact factor
6.53 ()

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Obstetrics & gynaecology

Discovering a mysterious estrogen's important role in pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, her levels of estriol, one of the three common estrogens that are nearly undetectable before conception, skyrocket. However, scientists never knew what this hormone does or why levels of it ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Gut bacteria could be responsible for side effect of Parkinson's drug

Bacteria in the small intestine can deaminate levodopa, the main drug that is used to treat Parkinson's disease. Bacterial processing of the unabsorbed fractions of the drug results in a metabolite that reduces gut motility. ...

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