
Cognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from biological and experimental studies to formal analysis. Contributions from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, ethology and philosophy are welcome in this journal provided that they have some bearing on the functioning of the mind. In addition, the journal serves as a forum for discussion of social and political aspects of cognitive science.

Impact factor
3.708 (2011)

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Visual intelligence is not the same as IQ

Just because someone is smart and well-motivated doesn't mean he or she can learn the visual skills needed to excel at tasks like matching fingerprints, interpreting medical X-rays, keeping track of aircraft on radar displays ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants recognize foreign languages as a form of communication

Infants recognize that speech in a language not their own is used for communication, finds a new psychology study. The results, which appear in the journal Cognition, offer new insights into how language is processed at a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows we like our math like we like our art: Beautiful

A beautiful landscape painting, a beautiful piano sonata—art and music are almost exclusively described in terms of aesthetics, but what about math? Beyond useful or brilliant, can an abstract idea be considered beautiful?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Whether our speech is fast or slow, we say about the same

The purpose of speech is communication, not speed—so perhaps some new research findings, while counterintuitive, should come as no surprise. Whether we speak quickly or slowly, the new study suggests, we end up conveying ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds dialects and languages are processed differently

Is saying 'breeks' instead of 'trousers' or 'tatties' instead of 'potatoes' like speaking a different language? New University of Dundee research suggests that dialects are processed differently to languages, an important ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study listens in on speech development in early childhood

If you've ever listened in on two toddlers at play, you might have wondered how much of their babbling might get lost in translation. A new study from the University of Toronto provides surprising insights into how much children ...

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