Journal of Molecular Biology

The Journal of Molecular Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published weekly by Elsevier. It covers original scientific research concerning studies of organisms or their components at the molecular level. Some of the most highly cited articles that have appeared in the Journal of Molecular Biology since its inception in April 1959 include:

Impact factor
4.008 (2010)

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Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Are scientists homing in on a cure for Parkinson's disease?

A molecule that shows promise in preventing Parkinson's disease has been refined by scientists at the University of Bath in the UK, and has the potential to be developed into a drug to treat the deadly neurodegenerative disease.

Medical research

Protein shows promise in treating Parkinson's disease

The true cause of Parkinson's disease is still a mystery to researchers, although they do know that in many patients, a protein called alpha-synuclein (aSyn) tends to aggregate in brain cells. But a different protein could ...

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