Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language

The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL) is a organisation that possibility of conducting research into the acquisition, processing and consequences of the processing of two languages in contact and which have totally different characteristics: Spanish and Basque. BCBL has yet to discover many of the secrets held by nature, and one of the great mysteries is how our brain works, how it processes information. In this respect, it is very interesting to know how a bilingual person processes information when the languages are very different; what functional and structural changes take place when a person is exposed to two languages; and how bilingualism affects degenerative processes. These and other questions are fascinating in themselves, but they also have consequences for our daily lives.


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Brain mechanism connecting sense of smell with appetite discovered

In a state of hunger or fasting, the increase in food intake that takes place after smelling food is linked to a type 1 cannabinoid receptor in the olfactory bulb, according to a study co-led by a UPV/EHU researcher and published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The lemon you reach for is not the lemon you taste

When looking for a lemon in the fridge, its colour is a useful characteristic to think about—the bright yellow will stand out from the green of the salad or the red of the tomatoes. However, when putting the lemon in ...