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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

EEG testing shows possible biomarker for suicidal ideation

Understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of suicidal ideation and identifying biomarkers could help doctors identify those at risk and researchers develop effective interventions.


New drug for schizophrenics has experts excited

Experts expressed enthusiasm Friday after US health regulators approved the first new form of treatment for schizophrenia in decades.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawn?

After a hearty lunch at work, you and your co-workers go into a meeting. First one colleague starts to yawn, then a second and finally it's your turn. Many biological explanations have been put forward for this, but what ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

FDA approves new kind of drug for schizophrenia

The first new type of medication in decades to help fight against schizophrenia was approved on Thursday by the U.S. Food and. Drug Administration.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Negative body image among teens is a global issue

A new study by University of Waterloo researchers has found that the majority of young people on social media are dissatisfied with their bodies. Researchers say this is a global issue.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A closer look at predicting psychosis in high-risk young people

University of Adelaide researchers have taken a closer look at how to predict transition to psychosis in young people who meet a specific set of subthreshold psychotic symptoms and syndromes, also referred to as ultra-high ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Digital biomarkers shed light on seasonality in mood disorders

Wrist-based activity sensors worn by individuals with depression and those without over the course of two weeks provided evidence for the relationship between daily sunlight exposure and physical activity, according to a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Community resources linked with better teen mental health

Youth living in neighborhoods with more community assets—such as parks, libraries, health services and transportation options—were less likely to report feelings of hopelessness, according to a new JAMA Network Open study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online microaggressions linked to poor sleep quality for Black women

A new study finds that microaggressions aimed at Black women online appear to harm the health of other Black women who see those microaggressions—even though the microaggressions are not aimed at them personally. Specifically, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Grief in aged care: Guidance needed to assist families

There is an urgent need for government, researchers and aged care staff to come together to establish a formal approach to the grief and loss experienced by families in the residential aged care system, a Flinders University-led ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mattering must be central in youth suicide prevention, says study

Youth suicide is a growing concern in Canada, the U.S., and around the world, with some research suggesting this might be linked with excessive social media use in vulnerable teens. With Mental Health Awareness Month closing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to know when it's time to quit therapy

Therapy is great. It gives you the space, time and resources to handle the most difficult challenges of life. Therapy can be especially helpful in the often-confusing life period of your 20s and 30s, when so much is changing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Binge-eating disorder not as transient as previously thought

Binge-eating disorder is the most prevalent eating disorder in the United States, but previous studies have presented conflicting views of the disorder's duration and the likelihood of relapse. A new five-year study led by ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep study finds post-karaoke stress is strengthened by REM sleep

We're all familiar with the fact that the quality of our sleep has a strong impact on our waking lives. But what you may not know is that sleep stages contribute to how we process life experiences and memories in different ...

Medical research

The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression

People who regularly eat fish or take fish oil supplements are getting omega-3 fatty acids, which play a critical role in brain function. Research has long shown a basis in the brain for aggressive and violent behavior, and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five basic habits may hold the key to good mental health

Professor Nick Titov's professional goal is to make himself redundant. As a Professor of Psychology at Macquarie University and Director of the University's digital mental health service, MindSpot, he wants to empower more ...


Magic mushrooms may one day treat anorexia, but not just yet

Anorexia nervosa is a severe mental health disorder where people fear weight gain. Those with the disorder have distorted body image and hold rigid beliefs their body is too big. They typically manage this through restricted ...